Here at Everitts Adventures, we believe travel has the power to create a better world. Travel expands horizons and forces people out of their comfort zones. It exposes us to different cultures, develops more meaningful human connections and opens our eyes to the fragile beauty of this planet. One that is in critical need of protection. Because of this, we believe those who venture. Those who seek adventure and explore. Cultivate within themselves, a deeper connection and sense of empathy for their fellow human, and the environment within which we live.

Our mission is to help people realise their travel ambitions and to inspire them on their next adventure. With a heavy focus on back-packer and budget travel, we aim to showcase that travel doesn’t have to break the bank. And that there are a plethora of ways to travel, explore and meet amazing people no matter the budget.

For those seeking guidance, check out our Destinations and Travel Tips Pages. They are loaded with specific guides and information, along with a host of generic tips to help any adventure. Together they’re a great resource for your next trip and the perfect starting point for any travel planning. 

For those after some inspiration, check out Everitts Blog, Videos & Travel Map. A collection of Calum Everitts (our founder and namesakes) personal travel tales. With adventures spanning over 30 countries and counting. 

Finally be sure to subscribe via email, to receive great travel content direct to your inbox. As well as follow our various social channels to get your daily travel fix. All that’s left is to welcome you to Everitts Adventures and wish you an awesome next trip!